Air Enalysys

(877) 437-7728

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

About Us

Thanks to the airEnalasys' technology, a diagnostic computer system can quantitatively show you, the consumer, contractor, builder, or utility what the HVAC system is doing. This is important because until now we have never truly known what we are getting out of our air conditioning systems. Many of us have felt that some rooms in our homes are warmer or colder than others, or that some may have an unusual odor, but we were unable to quantify these discrepancies and were many times told that this was "normal" by our builders and AC contractors.

Founded in the fall of 2003, airEnalasys is an independent 3rd party HVAC testing company that was established for the consumer for three main reasons:

  1. Lower your energy bills
  2. Increase your home comfort
  3. Make sure that your home is providing your family with the healthiest living environment possible.

Code Compliance Testing

We are proud to offer code compliance testing to contractor across the state of Florida. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.